Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spring Cleaning Challenge--Project #2

Today was Day #2 in the 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge!

The task for today was 
Clean your Bathrooms
my least favorite chore of them all! 

I have to say, once it is done I am thrilled, but actually making myself do it is extremely difficult. The fact that I have 4 bathrooms to clean doesn't help either (okay, so 2 of them are only "half baths" but they still need cleaned)! 

I didn't know if I would make it to getting all the bathrooms cleaned today.
It was a busy one...complete with midwife appointment (for Baby #2 who is due in just 13 weeks...wow!), my "every-other-Tuesday" grocery shopping trip, and my regular Tuesday chore of vacuuming the downstairs (check out yesterday's pics of the large living room...takes FOREVER to vacuum. I'll be happy when we move in a few months to a small place that will take less time to clean). I put it on the list though, and it got done! Woohoo!

I didn't get around to taking "before" photos today.
Well...let's just be honest. I wasn't about to let any of you see what my bathrooms looked like before they were clean! Yuck! If there is anything I can't stand it is bathroom dirt...just nasty!
So, I'll spare you the dirty details....

The two downstairs half baths. 
The one on top rarely gets cleaned because it rarely gets used. 
Its in the laundry room and is honestly more like a closet than a bathroom!

The two full baths upstairs. 
The top on if Little E's bathroom--and since she's just 2 years old,
that means it is the one where she occasionally uses potty and takes her baths. 
The one on the bottom is the master bath. I don't know why, but it seems to be the most
difficult room in the house to get/keep clean! Dust is just attracted there for some reason and it
gets all gunked up! But it's clean now!

I must admit that it took me much longer than the 20 minutes that were set forth for the challenge. Probably because I had 4 rooms to clean, they hadn't been cleaned since my last bathroom cleaning day (almost 2 weeks ago! yikes!), and I had a busy 2-year-old who kept needing/wanting (sometimes its hard to tell the difference) my attention. It probably took closer to 45 minutes, but it got done!
And that is what counts! 
Four clean bathrooms at our house! 

So, what's next on the list? 
I'm up for the challenge! 

Are you up for the challenge? It's not too late to join in on the work fun! 
Another one of my favorite blogs is hosting Project Simplify if you'd rather just focus on 4 "problem areas" in your home! I'd really like to do this one too, but we'll see if I'm up for it. Taking on these Spring Cleaning tasks is already filling up my daily schedule :)


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